Tommy was teaching his class. They were learning about protons, neutrons, and electrons. Some students were unable to grasp the material, but after a short while, they understood. But then Bez, had a related idea.
"How about a chemistry related monster?" asked Bez.
"I don't know, honey," said Zira, "what damage can it do?"
"Mess with the environment," said Bez.
Sounds good to me!" said Dems.
They create a monster called Pollution. Right away, he started polluting the environment. People started coughing. He changed the air's molecules to carbon dioxide. People had trouble breathing. They were getting sick. The news recorded this event. Even the news anchor had trouble reporting this incident. Chad saw this on the news. He reached for his communicator.
"Guys," said Chad, "have you seen the news? We need to get to that monster right away, before people start to die. We also need to morph right away. Guys, this is serious!"
The rangers arrived to the monster. The rangers fought the monster. Kat used her sonic cannon to confuse the monster. It worked for a short time, but the monster regained its position. They charged at the monster but the monster messed with their molecules weakening them. Adam was their best move. They needed to have a long range weapon so Adam used his cannon as Kat used her invisibility to sneak behind the monster and knock him over. The put all of their weapons together and finished him, but then Zira made it grow. They called the Tornando Megazord. Tommy gave them the Air Auxillary Zord. The monster was at a total disadvantage because the air scrambled his molecules. Then the Megazord powered up its arm (Air Auxillary Zord) and punched through the monster. The monster was no more.
Tommy was very happy and congratulated the rangers. The air went back to normal and there were not that many casualties. Tommy then called a meeting with the rangers.
"Rangers," said Tommy, "you are probably wondering why a have called you here. Well, it is because of the Auxillary Zords. They were remain in the zord holding place in the base. If you combine all five of them, you will have the Nature Megazord. You already know that you can use all of the Auxillary Zords with all of the Tornado Zords right? Well, if you combine all ten zords, you will form the Planet Megazord. It works the same way as the Toronado Megazord. You can handle it. Good luck, rangers!"