The rangers were on earth helping clean up the planet Earth. Suddenly, a monster on the planet KO-35 was attacking the planet. Andros and Zhane morphed. The monster's name was Firestorm. He was setting fires everywhere. Andros and Zhane attacked the monster but they were no match for him. Both of them were fighting a losing battle.
The Power Rangers' alarm went off. All of the seven rangers arrived. The viewing screen shown the monster attacking the planet KO-35. They also knew that they all had to do a long range teleport to get to the planet. That is exactly what they did. All five rangers came to help.
"Leave 'em alone!" yelled Mike.
All seven rangers fought the monsters. The Infantry began to attack the rangers. They fought the rangers with their powers. The infantry was fighting a losing battle, except the monster was helping them. Fighters were attacking the rangers from the air. They shot the Fighters down with their blasters. Some of the shot down Fighters landed on the Infantry making the rangers' job easier. Firestorm took on Andros. Andros lifted him up with his telekenesis powers. He dropped him down. Zhane joined Andros in attacking the monster, while the Thunder Force rangers took care of the Fighters. All of the rangers defeated the monster and the Infantry.
"Thanks," said Zhane, "whoever you are!"
"Hi!" said Mike, "I'm Mike and this is our team, Power Rangers Thunder Force. We saw that you were losing the battle."
"No," said Andros, "we weren't."
"Yes," said Zhane, "we were. So, let's all help each other. Have you heard of Bez?"
"Oh, yeah," said Aisha, "we deal with him all the time!"
"Well, we can join forces and help each other," said Zhane, "what do you think, Andros?"
"Okay," said Andros.
The seven rangers jumped for joy.
"I have a spaceship that we can use," said Andros, "it is the Astro Megaship, mark 2. It is the fastest ship known to man."
"Well, we have a base," said Chad, "we can share. You can store your zords, also, in our base.
"We have no zords," said Andros, "our zords were destroyed by Dark Specter."
"Sorry," said Dana.
Suddenly, Firestorm grew in size. They called on the Lightning Megazord. The Lightning Megazord made short work out of the monster because it made Firestorm wet. The Lightning Megazord finished the monster.