Aquitar Pact

Aquitar was peaceful for a while, but then Pollutor came to the pod. The monster started invading their waters with pollution. The Aquitian rangers morphed and fought the monster. The monster brought some Hydocontaminers with him. As of that point, the water became polluted. Billy even attacked by the monster because he fought the monster because the Aquitians were weak. Billy was knocked to the ground. The monster attacked the unmorphed Billy. WIth what little strength that Corcus had, he shot Pollutor with his blaster. The monsters turned onto the rangers while Billy got away.

"I need help," said Billy to himself, "and I don't know how I'm going to get it."

"Maybe I can contact the Power Rangers Zeo team and see if they can help us!"

Katherine's communicator picked up a strange transmission.

"My communicator is picking up something and I don't know what it is!" said Katherine.

"Hello?" said Billy, "this is Billy. Please I need your help!"

The other rangers gathered around.

"Billy?" said Aisha, "what's going on? Hello?"

"What's going on?" asked Mike, "and who's Billy?"

"He was a former Power Ranger who gave his powers up when we became Power Rangers Zeo. He probably still thinks that we still are Zeo Rangers," said Adam, "anyway, let's regroup. Something is going wrong on Aquitar."

The other rangers joined in.

"There is something going on in Aquitar," said Adam, "we all have to get there. Something's wrong! Rangers, let's get ready for a long range teleport!"

All seven rangers teleport to Aquitar. They see the Aquitians suffering. The Hydrocontaminators and Pollutor were causing trouble with not only the rangers, but the citizens as well. The rangers knew that everything went wrong.

"They need water!" said Billy.

"I have an idea," said Ryan.

Ryan teleported to the base and got some water.He returned back to the scene and threw water on the Aquitians. The Aquitians recovered. Now, they had twelve rangers to deal with. They were all able to defeat the Hydrocontaminaters. Pollutor was defeated. The pollution disappeared, but the monster grew in size. The Alien Rangers called on the Battle Borgs and the Shogun Zords. They formed the Shogun Megazord.

"Thanks," said Delphine, "we can handle it from here."

"In fact," said Aurico, "wait here!"

The Shogun Megazord and Pollutor fought hand-to-hand combat. Pollutor shot a dangerous mist. The team lost its stamina for awhile. The Shogun Megazord let loose its pollen. They also made three Hydocontaminators grow.

"Are you sure that they do not need us?" asked Kat.

"Wait until they ask," said Mike, "if they do."

The Battle Borgs fought the Hydrocontaminators. The Battle Borgs fought the Hydrocontaminators and the Shogun Megazord heated up its sword and swung it through the monster. Then the monsters spirit flew into the air and it exploded.

The Alien Rangers came back to the surface.

"Thank you, Ryan," said Billy, "in fact, thanks for all of you. I can see that you are no longer Power Rangers Zeo, so what do you call yourselves?"

"Power Rangers Thunder Force," said Mike.

Just then Tommy teleported to Aquitar. He shook Billy's hand.

"Cestria," said Billy, "I've enjoyed my life with you, but I feel that I am need with this team."

Cestria gave Billy one last hug.

"I told all of you to wait because you have helped us in the past," said Aurico, "and since you have given us the Shogun Zords, as a gift. I will give you the blueprints on the technology of making fully powered Battle Borgs."

"You might want to give the instructions to Thundar," said Cestro, "he knows all about it."

"That's a wise decision," said Chad.

"Well, Billy," said Tommy, "glad to have you back aboard. We need your science abilities."

They all went back to the base. Mike gave the instructions to Thundar. Thundar made it look like a piece of cake. He created the Climate Borgs. They are like astronaunts who can explore planets better and they are agile fighters that follow voice command. Tommy and Billy explained this to everyone. Billy works as a scientist at the base.

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